Wednesday, February 21, 2007

A caveat for anyone who in anticipation of the new David Fincher film about the Zodiac Killer plans to read either of the books on which it is based:

Zodiac, by Robert Graysmith, is utterly terrifying. I've read it at least four times since high school; once since living in Austin. Each time it unsettles me something fierce.

The sequel, Zodiac Unmasked: The Identity of America's Most Elusive Serial Killer Revealed, also by Robert Graysmith, was written a few years ago, following the death of someone the author believes was the Zodiac Killer (and who is referred to pseudonymously in the first book). This book is not very good. Also, it doesn't reveal the identity of the Zodiac Killer any more than its predecessor.


Anonymous said...

I'm excited about this movie. I don't know how big a David Fincher fan I am, but he always pulls me into the theater.

I would like to watch his stuff again, especially "Seven", "The Game", and "Panic Room".

ryan said...

I'm really excited about it too. There's a pretty great profile of Fincher in the latest issue of Esquire, for anyone that's interested in him.

I'd really like to read that book, too. Do you own a copy of it, Bryan?

There's a serial killers class at St. Edwards that psych majors can take as an elective, taught by the same crazy lady that teaches my Abormal Psych class. I'd very much like to take that class too.

bh said...

i haven't seen it in a long time, but i remember thinking The Game might be my favorite David Fincher movie (i don't think it's ever gotten more than a very perfunctory DVD release, years and years ago). i don't like Fight Club as much as i used to, though i don't dislike it, either. Seven i think i've seen too many times. also, i've lost my DVD of it somehow. the Alien box set has a version of Alien 3 that's alleged to be pretty close to what he signed-on to make. i have never watched it, though. maybe soon.

yes, i have a copy of the first Zodiac book. it's pretty beaten up, but you can borrow it (you ought to be able to get through it pretty quickly). if you read it, remember that the true-crime genre demands very different standards for expressing things in writing than you might be used to.