< 250 ratings: 8
251 - 500: 5
501-750: 5
751-1000: 5
> 1000: 6
Geographically, they are primarily in Texas.
Texas: 20
Washington, D.C.: 3
California: 1
Illinois: 1
Minnesota: 1
Oregon: 1
Washington: 1
Movies were deemed eligible for the survey if they were rated by at least 10 people. I found 72 movies (or television shows) with this attribute.
The distribution by decade of release (number / percent of total):
2001 – present: 34 / 47%
1991 – 2000: 14 / 19%
1981 – 1990: 6 / 8%
1971 – 1980: 12 / 17%
1961 – 1970: 3 / 4%
1951 – 1960: 2 / 3%
1941 – 1950: 1 / 1%
The best rating a movie can receive on Netflix is 5 stars. There are, then, two measures of the collective affection or regard for a movie: the cumulative number of stars awarded and the average rating.
All but four of the movies in the survey had cumulative ratings of over 50. Three movies were rated above 100. In the following distribution, the cumulative score and number of raters follow the name of the movie.
Cumulative scores between 101 and 110
The Royal Tenenbaums (105) [25]
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind (104) [25]
Amelie (103) [24]
91 – 100
Rushmore (99) [23]
Little Miss Sunshine (96) [25]
Lost In Translation (96) [23]
Pulp Fiction (95) [23]
81 – 90
Election (81) [20]
Garden State (81) [24]
Y Tu Mama Tambien (81) [20]
The Life Aquatic With Steve Zissou (82) [21]
The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring (82) [17]
Punch-Drunk Love (83) [20]
The Shining (84) [19]
Raising Arizona (85) [19]
The Big Lebowski (89) [21]
71 – 80
Magnolia (80) [20]
The Office (UK) Season 1 (78) [17]
The Godfather, Part 2 (78) [16]
The Godfather (77) [16]
Raiders of the Lost Ark (77) [17]
The Departed (76) [19]
Fargo (76) [17]
Reservoir Dogs (75) [19]
Sideways (75) [21]
Dr. Strangelove (73) [16]
Batman Begins (72) [18]
American Beauty (72) [23]
Kill Bill, Volume 1 (71) [18]
61 – 70
Arrested Development, Season 1 (70) [15]
Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King (70) [15]
Taxi Driver (70) [18]
Capote (68) [17]
The Empire Strikes Back (68) [14]
The Office (UK), Season 2 (68) [15]
The 40-Year Old Virgin (67) [19]
Annie Hall (67) [16]
Bottle Rocket (67) [15]
Citizen Kane (67) [16]
The Graduate (67) [16]
Kill Bill, Volume 2 (67) [18]
Star Wars (67) [14]
Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers, Extended (66) [15]
Children of Men (65) [18]
The Squid and the Whale (65) [16]
The Office (US), Season 2 (63) [13]
The Incredibles (62) [15]
Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring, Extended (62) [13]
Memento (62) [17]
Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers (61) [14]
Rear Window (61) [14]
51 – 60
Goodfellas (60) [13]
Chinatown (59) [13]
Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King, Extended (59) [13]
North by Northwest (59) [14]
The Office (US), Season 1 (59) [14]
The Science of Sleep (59) [14]
The Shawshank Redemption (57) [13]
2001: A Space Odyssey (56) [13]
Apocalypse Now (56) [13]
The Silence of the Lambs (56) [13]
Alien (55) [13]
Freaks and Geeks (55) [12]
Blade Runner: The Theatrical Version (54) [12]
Full Metal Jacket (54) [13]
The Office Special (53) [12]
Pan’s Labyrinth (52) [12]
Jaws (51) [13]
40 -50
Borat (50) [13]
Aliens (49) [11]
Blade Runner: The Director’s Cut (47) [11]
The Exorcist (44) [11]
In terms of average rating, a different set of movies emerges as the best regarded. No movie had an average rating of 5, which would have indicated it as universally beloved by its viewers, but five had average ratings above 4.8. Only two movies in the survey had average ratings below 3.5.
Average ratings between 4.51 and 5.00
The Godfather Part 2 (4.88)
The Empire Strikes Back (4.86)
The Office (US), Season 2 (4.85)
Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring (4.82)
The Godfather (4.81)
Star Wars (4.79)
Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring, Extended (4.77)
Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King (4.67)
Arrested Development, Season 1 (4.67)
Goodfellas (4.62)
The Office (UK), Season 1 (4.59)
Freaks and Geeks (4.58)
Dr. Strangelove (4.56)
Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King, Extended (4.54)
Chinatown (4.54)
Raiders of the Lost Ark (4.53)
The Office (UK), Season 2 (4.53)
4.01 – 4.5
Blade Runner: The Theatrical Version (4.50)
Raising Arizona (4.47)
Fargo (4.47)
Bottle Rocket (4.47)
Aliens (4.45)
The Shining (4.42)
The Office Special (4.42)
Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers, Extended (4.40)
The Shawshank Redemption (4.38)
Rear Window (4.36)
Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers (4.36)
Pan’s Labyrinth (4.33)
The Silence of the Lambs (4.31)
Apocalypse Now (4.31)
2001: A Space Odyssey (4.31)
Rushmore (4.30)
Amelie (4.29)
Blade Runner: The Director’s Cut (4.27)
The Big Lebowski (4.24)
Alien (4.23)
The Science of Sleep (4.21)
The Office (US), Season 1 (4.21)
North By Northwest (4.21)
The Royal Tenenbaums (4.20)
The Graduate (4.19)
Citizen Kane (4.19)
Annie Hall (4.19)
Lost In Translation (4.17)
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind (4.16)
Punch-Drunk Love (4.15)
Full Metal Jacket (4.15)
The Incredibles (4.13)
The Squid and the Whale (4.06)
Election (4.05)
Y Tu Mama Tambien (4.05)
3.51 – 4.00
Magolia (4.00)
The Exorcist (4.00)
The Depated (4.00)
Capote (4.00)
Batman Begins (4.00)
Reservoir Dogs (3.95)
Kill Bill, Volume 1 (3.94)
Jaws (3.92)
The Life Aquatic With Steve Zissou (3.90)
Taxi Driver (3.89)
Borat (3.85)
Little Miss Sunshine (3.84)
Kill Bill, Volume 2 (3.72)
Memento (3.65)
Children of Men (3.61)
Sideways (3.57)
The 40-Year Old Virgin (3.53)
3.01 – 3.50
Garden State (3.38)
American Beauty (3.13)
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